Wolfgang Reisinger,
M.A., D.M.A., Ph.D.
For many years, he was in charge of the sacred music as well as all organ and church bell projects of Vienna. As a teacher, he passes on his knowledge in organ, organ improvisation, hymnology, form and analysis, liturgy, and music history. He is a sought-after clinician at numerous church music weeks in Austria and abroad. Between 2001 and 2003, Wolfgang Reisinger worked as Director of Music at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas. There he set all 85 responsorial psalms of the liturgy to music, of which the best will come out on CD in 2016! Wolfgang Reisinger also teaches courses for organists, cantors, and choir conductors. As the leader oft he internationally renowned church music conference Laudate Dominum he brings together musicians from many countries of the world.
“Why should we strive for an active participation of cantor and congregation?
I have trained hundreds of cantors. In addition to this experience, I got to know a new image of the cantor in the US: Moving away from a role as a mere precentor in the responsorial psalm and the gospel acclamation towards his role as a true leader of congregational singing. The cantor is supposed to subtly, but also visibly encourage congregational singing, wherever the liturgy asks for it (…) However, one should not expect to much of the average parishioner, who usually sings only once every week. Every refrain should be easy enough to repeat immediately, which has rigid consequences with regard to the refrain’s length and melodic structure. The cantor, however, is an indispensable musical link to coordinate the singing of everybody present at mass.”
(Wolfgang Reisinger)